Instructions to join the Sunday 10am live stream:
To watch on a computer, click here: www.facebook.com/bouquetcanyonchurch
To watch on a phone or tablet, it's probably best to install the Facebook app (although it might work to just follow the link above). Once installed, open the app and search for "Bouquet Canyon Church". It should come up (it's the one with the blue circle with the Awaken-Grow-Live graphic). Click on it.
To watch on a Smart TV (or via a device like a Firestick, Apple TV, Roku etc.), you will need to either 1) install a Facebook app (with a Firestick it is found in the Social Networking category) or 2) use a web browser (like Firefox, Amazon Silk, etc.) to navigate to the above web address.
Click to "Like" the Bouquet Canyon Church page if you haven't already
Scroll down and look for a live video (it should be rolling a bit before 10am)
Click on the video (it might take several tries to open it)
If you have trouble, keep trying!
We now have a YouTube channel where all our streams and additional content is being aired. Click here to go to our YouTube channel:
Letter from Pastor Billy Ford:
March 13, 2020
BCC Family,
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, our leadership team has made the decision to move our Sunday church services to online streaming for the time being. This decision was not made lightly, nor was it made out of fear. In fact, we are fully trusting the Lord, experiencing His peace, and looking forward to seeing how God will use all of this for good. At the same time, we are seeking to exercise wisdom and make decisions based on the commandment to love one another. The fact is, there are many dear members of our church who are vulnerable to this virus. Kids and young people don’t seem to be hit hard, but they can become carriers. We especially want to take precautions to avoid spreading the disease to people over 60 years old or those who have compromised immune systems. This morning, Henry Mayo Hospital announced the first positive test result for the COVID-19 virus. There could already be many more in our community who unknowingly have the virus. It is best to take steps to limit its spread.
Here is the good news: God is in control and He is with us! Also, the church is not a building! We, God’s people, are the church. And through technology we can still worship together, even if at a distance. God is not limited by space and time and the Holy Spirit will still be working in us as we worship together via livestream video.
We are sending this email out to all the addresses we have, but please help spread the word. If you know someone who doesn’t use email (or doesn’t check it!), please let them know about this development. We will be using Facebook Live to stream the services (at least for now). Someone in your home will need a Facebook account. In Facebook (on your phone, tablet, computer, or smart TV), search for Bouquet Canyon Church (or just follow this link: www.facebook.com/bouquetcanyonchurch). You’ll be able to find the live video on Sunday morning starting at about 9am (it will be available later as well). If you’re having trouble, call around and ask for help.
A few other things:
A number of other church ministry meetings will be impacted. For example, our Wednesday night ministries will take a break. Stay tuned for more information about small groups, Bible studies, and other gatherings.
We are making plans to help any in need (whether they need prayer, encouragement, or groceries delivered). We are also discussing having multiple livestream times of worship, prayer, and meditations on Scripture throughout the week. It might take us a little bit to get up and running, so bear with us.
These are extraordinary times. Let’s pray hard and trust God to do extraordinary things! I truly believe God is going to use all of this for good in our lives. Tune in on Sunday morning to hear more!
Love in Christ
Pastor Billy Ford